Maika Brussig, Jg. 10, Ottawa, Kanada, 6 Monate

My name is Maika and I am currently spending one semester in Canada. As I am going to come back in February, nearly half my time here is already over. Obviously, I really enjoy my time abroad; meeting new people and changing your habits and attitudes can be a lot of fun.

More precisely, I am staying in Ottawa. Although it is not Canada’s biggest city, it is the capital and there is a lot to see here. So far, I have been to a few sights and I am eager to explore more. Also, Ottawa is located very close to the French-speaking part of Canada. Despite the fact that my host family speaks English and most classes offered by my school are in English, French is always around me as well.

The family I am staying with is very kind and makes me feel at home. Together with them, I live in a house located in a very nice neighborhood.

My school, located in central Ottawa, is called Lisgar Collegiate Institute and I take the bus or bike to get there. School here differs enormously from what I am used to. First of all, I have only four subjects that I can choose freely. I decided to go for English, Math (Grade 11), Food and Nutrition as well as Canadian History in French. Having just such a few number of classes means that your school days are very similar to each other.  In the beginning, that felt weird but I am getting used to it.

Apart from that, I joined different clubs that I would have never been able to be a part of in Germany. Honestly, when do you ever get the chance to go to a Debate Society? Right now, many people scare me off because winter is approaching. Apparently, it is going to be freezing cold and snowy.  I really enjoy my time here, studying abroad is a life-changing experience.

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